Le Bouton Vert

The subway train attacked me today. And I have the scars to prove it. There are three kinds of subway cars currently in use within the Paris Metro system: the new style, the old style, and the not-so-old-but-not-so-new style (which are most prevalent at this time). The New Style: The cars on the newest style […]

Viva la France!

I arrived in Paris today. The entire flying experience was delightfully smooth. Bless the French for their extraordinarily reasonable pet travel accommodations. (Thank you, Air France.) Clyde and Millie arrived in good shape. They were a little flabbergasted by the airport scene, but otherwise unscathed. It’s amazing what the French will do for some cute […]

Gamblers without Borders!

I went to a Paris Poker Party this week. 5 euro buy-in, no limit, rebuys allowed. It’s interesting to see how observant you can be when you can’t understand a word spoken by anyone around you. (I must not have been too good; I lost 10 euro.) Poker is never too much fun when your […]