Swan Dive onto the Crazy Train

I fell asleep while doing my post-chiro icing of the neck and had one crazy, messed up dream.

I was trying to explain to my dad how I’d been divorced twice yet never married, but I couldn’t remember the name of my second ex-husband. So I went in search of the friend who had written up the paperwork that married me to him.

During my search, I came upon a group of people sunbathing on an asphalt beach and noticed a woman deliberately sweeping debris into people’s faces, so approached her and started yelling at her in French. My tongue stumbled over one of the words, and she disdainfully asked if I was American. I responded with the oh-so-witty retort (still all in French) that these were all good people and that she was not a good person (pretty representative of the level of my verbal repartee in French). She physically attacked me, but somehow I managed to bend her hand back until she cried “mercy,” except it sounded like “merci,” so she was essentially thanking me for giving her a beatdown. Then we started laughing uncontrollably and all was forgiven.

Throughout the entire dream, there was this Ani Difranco mashup playing in the background. What I can remember went like this:

Some people wear their smile like a disguise
So I’m gonna do my best to swan dive
Into shark-infested waters
I’m gonna pull out my tampon
And start splashing around

No no no no – Outta me, onto you

Don’t treat me like I am something that happened to you
Don’t think cause I’m easy, I’m naive
Don’t think I won’t pull it out
Don’t think I won’t shoot
I don’t care if they eat me alive
Cause I’ve got better things to do then survive*

It actually sounded really good, though I have no idea how, considering it’s a mashup of three different songs. I think the melody might have been completely different from any of the original sources…

* All these lyrics are copyrighted by Ani Difranco and absolutely belong to her. However, I am doubtful that she ever intended for them to be mixed up in this crazy, convoluted way. Sorry, Ani. Please forgive my dreamstate mind.


2 thoughts on “Swan Dive onto the Crazy Train

  1. Revisiting these sites includes the treat of seeing comments from some of my favorite people. When David or CArolyn Brock or Connie Birmingham leave a message it is close to being a message from the gods.

  2. Nice swan! Weird song! Ah, to meet Ani Difranco and get a sense of her heart and mind?!

    Fascinating dreams! I’ve been doing some work on dreams in a spiritual direction program Carolyn and I are enrolled in; dreams from a Jungian perspective. Fascinating and I’m guessing hints of insights for you and about you! I’d love to have you explore these images with someone who is wise guide in dreamwork. If you are interested in that territory, you might try Robert A. Johnson’s INNER WORK or books by John A. Sanford; both Jungian psychologists/psychotherapists who can interpret Jung to those of us who can’t quite get our minds around his! Sometimes I can, and sometimes he is a brain too far beyond my meager capacities! I’m thinking there is metaphor to explore in mercy and merci; and in the imagery of asphalt beaches and debris swept into people’s faces. Maybe not, but most dreams I’m convinced can take us to deeper places, reveal truths not yet brought to consciousness!

    I hope you are well and that life in France is challenging and satisfying. Quel privilege pouvoir passee quelques annees la-bas. Something like that and apologies for not putting in accents, etc. Can’t figure out how to do it in this format!

    Keep writing!Keep dreaming. Keep taking pictures! DRB

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